Crazy Amazing

Welcome to my neurodiverse site where I explore the diversity of a human mind and believe in the motto, “every little thing is gonna be alright”! Some would believe we have OANB (obsessed about nothing valuable), a self developed diagnosis to explain our way! We aren’t always teachable nor are we flexible, but we are crazy amazing and find our way through the impossible. If your anything like us you ll find yourself amongst a lot of chaos.

I blog about mom truths, emotions, dysregulation, and the diverse function of each of us. We are crazy amazing and beautiful, yet we struggle eith the rational. As a medical mom (Nurse Practitioner) and a woman with hormonal disruption (even with a normal ovulatory cycle), my mission is to educate other women about female endocrine health — all while being required to parent a child (or children)! My family is mostly chaotic with a touch of narotic- yet were loosely learning to quiet the explosion! I will enlighten you to find a shift and realign you to your parallel bliss!

I share about all things health including adhd, emotional dysregulation, and hormone balancing!

If you want to connect with me on a personal level, Please join me at my Virtual Health Center Site here:

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